
Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage


Installation instructions for Docker are beyond the scope of this document. Two potentially helpful links for Linux include the installation and configuration pages.

  1. Once Docker is set up, clone the MOFid repository.
  2. Build the container by running docker build -t mofid path_to_mofid_repo


To start a shell within the Docker container, run docker run -it mofid /bin/bash

To analyze a single MOF crystal structure…

# Configure paths in the first two lines, then run this block
MOFID_IN_DIR="$PWD" # absolute path to parent directory, e.g. current directory via $PWD

docker run \
    --mount type=bind,source="$MOFID_IN_DIR",target="$MOFID_IN_DIR",readonly \
    mofid \
    python /mofid/Python/ "$MOFID_IN_DIR/$MOFID_IN_FILENAME" /mofid/TempOutput json

or to analyze an entire folder…

# Configure the paths in the first two lines, then run this block

mkdir -p "$MOFID_OUT_DIR"
docker run \
    --mount type=bind,source="$MOFID_IN_DIR",target=/data,readonly \
    --mount type=bind,source="$MOFID_OUT_DIR",target=/out \
    mofid \
    Scripts/ /data /out